The Beginner’s Phonics and Maths course is aimed at 5-7 year-olds and forms the perfect foundation for reading and mathematical skills.
In Great Britain and other developed countries, basic reading and mathematical skills are strongly developed by the age of 7. The widespread belief held in South Africa, that no real learning should take place until a child enters grade 1, is erroneous and creates opportunity for a child to fall behind already in the earliest stages of his school career. As with any talent or skill, the younger one starts, the greater the scope for development will be!
In order to ensure the optimum development of your youngster, the Beginner’s Phonics and Maths course is facilitated by trained individuals at SmartBrain’s centres, usually in sessions of 1 or 2 hours per week.
This course teaches a child to:
• Sound out words;
• Form letters correctly; and
• Do foundational maths.
With the foundation properly laid, once a child enters the schooling system, the work will not be so overwhelming. Perhaps one of the greatest advantages is that this programme will help to prevent learners, whose parents are not always there for personal attention and stimulation, from falling very behind. Parents who spend time and are “hands-on” with the development of their children, can never be replaced, but in an imperfect society where often both parents hold down full-time jobs, compensating to prevent a problem later is always a wise decision.
Enrol your child today and and make a lasting contribution to his/her future that is more valuable than a college fund!