A. Reading Support Programmes – Leesondersteuning Programme
Each of the following programmes take a year or two to complete. Learners attend classes once or twice per week. / Elk van die volgende programme neem ongeveer ‘n jaar of twee om te voltooi. Leerders besoek die klasse een of twee sessies per week.
1. School Readiness/Skoolgereedheid (4-6 years) Phonetic Programme/Fonetiese Program
2. Reading Support/Leesondersteuning – Phonetic Programme/Fonetiese Program (7 years – adults)
3. Vocabulary Support/Woordeskatondersteuning – The answer for concentration problems/Die antwoord vir konsentrasieprobleme
4. Reading Comprehension/Leesbegrip
5. Grammar Empowerment
Payment is per term/Betaling geskied per termyn.
Contact us for our latest price list/Kontak ons vir ons nuutste pryslys
B. Study and Memory Techniques/Studie- en Geheue Tegnieke
Duration of course – 9 hours/Duur van kursus – 9 ure
Payment is per term/Betaling geskied per termyn.
Contact us for our latest price list/Kontak ons vir ons nuutste pryslys
C. Early Learning Programme/ Vroee leerprogram – Give your child the edge in life! Bied aan u kind ‘n voorsprong in die lewe
Contact our Head Office to order your Early Learning Programme today (also available in Afrikaans). Prices as at April 2024:
1. Teddy Pack (complete ELP Module 1): R3 250 (Excluding courier costs)
2. Cow Pack (ELP Module 2): R2 750 (Excluding courier costs)
3. Puppy Pack (ELP Module 3): R3 050 (Excluding courier costs)
4. Bunny Pack (ELP Module 4): R3 450 (Excluding courier costs)
For more information or to place an order, please contact SmartBrain head office on 021 910 2615 or send an e-mail to anel.smartbrain@gmail.com.