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Kraaines Kleuterskool implimenteer SmartBrain

Die eienares van Kraaines Kleuterskool in Polokwane, Elize Fourie, het besluit dat SmartBrain deel van haar kleuterskool, in 2020, moet wees.  Teen die einde van 2019 het twee SmartBrain fasiliteerders van SmartBrain Hoofkantoor hulle opgelei in:

  1. Die SmartBrain Graad R leesprogram
  2. Die SmartBrain Graad R wiskunde program
  3. Die SmartBrain Voorskoolse Leerprogram

Kleuterskole is gaande oor die effek wat SmartBrain het op die kinders in hulle sorg! Hierdie leerders het meer selfvertroue om te kommunikeer, hul taalgebruik is beter en hul algemene kennis is iets uit ‘n ander wereld.



SmartBrain kleuters en peuters leer met behulp van SmartBrain se Voorskoolse leerprogram ‘n magdom nuwe feite. Elke week word ‘n nuwe tema gedoen en leerders leer o.a. die verskillende vissoorte,  soogdiere, uitvinders, kosbare stene, graansoorte, vee en belangrike landmerke, om maar net ‘n paar te noem.


SmartBrain maak kinders se leefwereld groter.

SmartBrain’s Early Learning Programme for caretakers!

Language is absolutely the basis from which all human learning occurs. In fact, the neurological development of the young child’s brain depends on the amount of words heard before his/her third year. SmartBrain can help caretakers with that!

SmartBrain understands that a child’s later academic ability is determined by the interaction of the parent with the child at such a young age. Each time a SmartBrain word or fact is repeated, it lights up the neuron. When the same word is repeated again, the signal gets stronger and recognition faster. These neurons start to branch out to connect with other, related information, which increases the capability of learning.

SmartBrain trains caretakers, whether it is the parent or preschool facilitator in the importance of talking to the baby or toddler in their care. The SmartBrain Early Learning Programme is the tool to get the job done. The SmartBrain Early Learning Programme consists of theme related words and books, maths and encyclopaedic flash cards and will provide the right language nutrition for your child’s brain and intellectual growth. The programme also comes with a day-to-day year programme which will help you to stay on track.

SmartBrain at Tygerhof Primary School

Forty learners enrolled  this year at Tygerhof Primary for the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme.  The reason why schools like Tygerhof Primary implemented the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme is because SmartBrain teaches Grade R learners in a holistic and multi-sensory way to read and write.  At the end of the year these learners can put sounds together and write short sentences.  These learners have no fear when they enter Grade 1, because their foundational skills are strong.  The SmartBrain programme is tantamount for learners whose home language is not English or Afrikaans.

The ability to read, write, spell and comprehend – in other words, to organise information into knowledge –must be viewed as survival skills.




Learners who are not competent readers at the end of Grade 3 will have an 80% chance of not completing Grade 12. SmartBrain’s Grade R reading programme improves reading, which will give these learners access to knowledge, which will help them to thrive and succeed at school and in life.

To be successful, learners today need strong literacy skills, and also need to be able to use these reading and writing skills as tools for ongoing learning



SmartBrain Facilitator Anel Zeederberg facilitates the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme at Tygerhof Primary School.

SmartBrain Training – 2019

Claudia Lakay were trained in August 2019 – SmartBrain Kuilsriver

Bellville South Primary School – 60 Grade R-learners are enrolled for the SmartBrain Grade R-programme

Training also took place (March 2019) in Langebaan where SmartBrain trained -from left to right – Melissa Seyffert (SmartBrain Piketberg) and Shantelle Coetzee (SmartBrain Langebaan)

Three SmartBrain facilitators were trained at Boksburg in July 2019. They are from left to right – Salonica Cloete (SmartBrain Vryburg), Rochelle Breedt (Edenvale), Brand van Dyk (Training Director at SmartBrain Head Office) and Lauren Broxham (Alberton)

Januarie 2019 het- van links na regs – Addelize Botha en Susan du Plessis, by die SmartBraingroep aangesluit. Susan is eienares van SmartBrain Secunda .

SmartBrain Hoofkantoor besoek Smarties Kleuterskool waar die SmartBrain Voorskoolse Leerprogram by die bestaande program gevoeg is. Hierdie Graad RR leerders ontvang daagliks SmartBrain se ensiklopediegereedheid flitskaarte en gaan eendag sommer baie slim wees.

In Februarie 2019 was Jonelle Trichardt opgelei om SmartBrain in Boksburg en Benoni te fasiliteer. Agter staan Lindi en Johan Briel, eienaars van die Smarties Kleuterskool en SmartBrain Boksburg/Benoni.

Leonie du Plooy kry praktiese onderrig by Bellville Suid Laerskool. Leonie fasiliteer vir SmartBrain Vredendal.

Two preschools sent of their teachers for training in the SmartBrain Early Learning Programme. On the left sits Judy Welan and Nicolene Nelson from KideoArk Preschool in Boksburg and on the right we have Dorize Visser and Mariaanne Matthee from Woelbos Kleuterskool in Waverley (Pretoria).

Dalien van Dijk was in Augustus vir die SmartBrain Thabazimbi Tak opgelei.

Wilna Leslie was in September vir die SmartBrain Bethlehem tak opgelei.

Mari Gunter is ‘n toevoeging tot die SmartBrain Bethlehem tak.


Liebne Liebenberg is ook ‘n nuwe toevoeging tot die SmartBrain Bethlehem tak.

SmartBrain in Khayelitsha

Worldwide Literacy and SmartBrain were invited by Christy Haefele, founder of the Beating Heart SA (NPC) to assist with one of her workshops at the Nokwanda Educare in Khayelitsha. About thirty parents and children crowded the small class room to listen to our presentation.

Chirsty spoke about the importance of sensory development in preschoolers.  Each parent received a gift bag from Beating Heart SA afterwards.





Then it was SmartBrain’s turn. Parents were taught the basics of brain stimulation and how they can help to enhance the brain potential of their own children at home. Parents were handed clean booklets, koki’s, pictures and glue whereafter they were taught how to make their own reading books and flash cards.










The response can be summed up at best by quoting Christy as she wrote on her own facebook page: “It is one thing to recognize a need in theory and try fill it, but when you actually see parents are craving this kind of input and leave the workshop excited to go home and interact with their children using what they’ve learnt…….it is a most rewarding feeling.