We welcome Carla Meyer who has received training to be a SmartBrain facilitator for SmartBrain Vredendal and Lutzville.
SmartBrain Bethlehem has also added four more facilitators to their team this January. In the front sits Nomthandazo Maseko and Reabetswe Mofokeng and at the back we have Salminah Mofokeng on the left and Natasha van der Westhuizen on the right.
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SmartBrain in Stella
SmartBrain Stella is aktief besig by Stella Kleuterskool om hierdie kleuters aan die SmartBrain Voorskoolse Leerprogram bloot te stel. Saam met die kindertjies is links, Salonica Cloete (SmartBrain Eienares) en regs, Yolanda de Kock, die hoof by Stella Kleuterskool. Hierdie 3 – 5 jariges ontvang die SmartBrainprogram 3 keer per week, vir 15 tot 20 minute per sessie. Een ma stuur ‘n opgewonde boodskap: “Poen het my vanoggend vertel van die renosters, so iets het vasgesteek.”
Navorsing in veld van neurowetenskap openbaar dat vroeë kinderontwikkeling die ideale tyd is om basiese lees en taalvaardighede aan te leer. Dit is die hoeveelheid taal waaraan ‘n kind tydens hierdie “venster van geleentheid” periode blootgestel word wat bepaal of kinders lewenslank gemotiveerde lesers gaan word of nie.
SmartBrain in the public eye 2020
The new year is off to a good start when SmartBrain is actively being marketed all over South Africa. Head Office and centres alike are making an active effort to create awareness of the services and educational products SmartBrain has to offer:
Kraaines Kleuterskool implimenteer SmartBrain
Die eienares van Kraaines Kleuterskool in Polokwane, Elize Fourie, het besluit dat SmartBrain deel van haar kleuterskool, in 2020, moet wees. Teen die einde van 2019 het twee SmartBrain fasiliteerders van SmartBrain Hoofkantoor hulle opgelei in:
- Die SmartBrain Graad R leesprogram
- Die SmartBrain Graad R wiskunde program
- Die SmartBrain Voorskoolse Leerprogram
Kleuterskole is gaande oor die effek wat SmartBrain het op die kinders in hulle sorg! Hierdie leerders het meer selfvertroue om te kommunikeer, hul taalgebruik is beter en hul algemene kennis is iets uit ‘n ander wereld.
SmartBrain kleuters en peuters leer met behulp van SmartBrain se Voorskoolse leerprogram ‘n magdom nuwe feite. Elke week word ‘n nuwe tema gedoen en leerders leer o.a. die verskillende vissoorte, soogdiere, uitvinders, kosbare stene, graansoorte, vee en belangrike landmerke, om maar net ‘n paar te noem.
SmartBrain maak kinders se leefwereld groter.
SmartBrain’s Early Learning Programme for caretakers!
Language is absolutely the basis from which all human learning occurs. In fact, the neurological development of the young child’s brain depends on the amount of words heard before his/her third year. SmartBrain can help caretakers with that!
SmartBrain understands that a child’s later academic ability is determined by the interaction of the parent with the child at such a young age. Each time a SmartBrain word or fact is repeated, it lights up the neuron. When the same word is repeated again, the signal gets stronger and recognition faster. These neurons start to branch out to connect with other, related information, which increases the capability of learning.
SmartBrain trains caretakers, whether it is the parent or preschool facilitator in the importance of talking to the baby or toddler in their care. The SmartBrain Early Learning Programme is the tool to get the job done. The SmartBrain Early Learning Programme consists of theme related words and books, maths and encyclopaedic flash cards and will provide the right language nutrition for your child’s brain and intellectual growth. The programme also comes with a day-to-day year programme which will help you to stay on track.