SmartBrain at Tygerhof Primary School

Forty learners enrolled  this year at Tygerhof Primary for the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme.  The reason why schools like Tygerhof Primary implemented the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme is because SmartBrain teaches Grade R learners in a holistic and multi-sensory way to read and write.  At the end of the year these learners can put sounds together and write short sentences.  These learners have no fear when they enter Grade 1, because their foundational skills are strong.  The SmartBrain programme is tantamount for learners whose home language is not English or Afrikaans.

The ability to read, write, spell and comprehend – in other words, to organise information into knowledge –must be viewed as survival skills.




Learners who are not competent readers at the end of Grade 3 will have an 80% chance of not completing Grade 12. SmartBrain’s Grade R reading programme improves reading, which will give these learners access to knowledge, which will help them to thrive and succeed at school and in life.

To be successful, learners today need strong literacy skills, and also need to be able to use these reading and writing skills as tools for ongoing learning



SmartBrain Facilitator Anel Zeederberg facilitates the SmartBrain Grade R Reading programme at Tygerhof Primary School.